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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of participants

From: Increased expression of the leptin receptor in human ovaries affected by endometrioma and detection of high levels of leptin in the ovarian endometriomal fluid




Demographic and anthropometric variables





 Age (yr)

31.5 +/− 1.63

30.5 +/− 1.50

 Body mass index (kg/m2)

23.4 +/− 0.88

23.6 +/− 0.57

Stage of disease


 Stage I (minimal)


0 (0)

 Stage II (mild)


0 (0)

 Stage III (moderate)


0 (0)

 Stage IV (severe)


10 (100)

Hormonal therapy


 Estrogen + progesterone

6 (60)

8 (80)


4 (40)

2 (20)

Indication for surgery


 Infertility + adnexal mass


10 (100)

 Tubal ligation

10 (100)


  1. Values in parentheses are percentages.
  2. Age and BMI are expressed as the mean +/−.