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Table 2 Relationships between TGF-β concentration in blood serum and the Treg percentage in peripheral blood and the tissue of ovarian tumors

From: Regulatory T lymphocytes and transforming growth factor beta in epithelial ovarian tumors-prognostic significance


Without pathology of ovary

Benign tumor

Borderline tumor

Ovarian cancer

Relationships between TGF-beta and Treg percentage in peripheral blood

rs = 0.03

rs = −0.18

rs = −0.29

rs = 0.32

p = 0.87

p = 0.37

p = 0.4

p = 0.13

Relationships between TGF-beta and Treg percentage in the tissue of ovarian tumors

rs = 0.09

rs = −0.09

rs = −0.07

rs = 0.05

p = 0.69

p = 0.64

p = 0.83

p = 0.8