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Table 1 Total follicle number, atretic follicle number and rate of atretic follicles

From: Pioglitazone is effective for multiple phenotyepes of the Zucker fa/fa rat with polycystc ovary morphology and insulin resistance

Number or percent

Control rats

PCO model rats

Pioglitazone treated PCO model rats

Total follicle number

90.80 ± 14.50

123.40 ± 11.52*

100.50 ± 19.95

Atretic follicle number

37.25 ± 6.61

65.40 ± 8.65**

44.25 ± 10.28

Rate of atretic follicle (%)

41.19 ± 3.21%

52.99 ± 2.85%**

43.82 ± 2.78%

Number of rats




  1. Values are mean ± SD
  2. *P < 0.05 v.s. control rats
  3. **P < 0.05 v.s. control rats, Pioglitazone treated PCO model rats