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Fig. 4 | Journal of Ovarian Research

Fig. 4

From: Narrowing the field: cancer-specific promoters for mitochondrially-targeted p53-BH3 fusion gene therapy in ovarian cancer

Fig. 4

Expression of hTERT Promoters in Ovarian Cancer Cell Lines. a: In p53 null ovarian cancer cells (Skov3), expression of the hTC fusion promoter was significantly higher than all other hTERT constructs, with − 279/+ 5 yielding significantly higher expression than any of the other hTERT only constructs (P < 0.0001 for − 279/+ 5 versus all other constructs). b: In p53 dominant negative gain of function ovarian cancer cells (Ovcar3), hTC yields significantly higher expression than all other constructs, with − 279/+ 5 trending higher than the other hTERT constructs. c: In p53 dominant negative aggregation mutant ovarian cancer cells (Kuramochi), hTC yields significantly higher expression than all other constructs, with − 279/+ 5 expressing similarly to − 408/+ 5 and both trending higher than the other hTERT constructs. d: In normal human fibroblasts (BJ), hTC expression is significantly higher than all other hTERT constructs, and total expression levels of all hTERT constructs are lower than in ovarian cancer cell lines. For each graph, n = 3 and one-way ANOVA analysis yielded a P value of < 0.0001. Tukey post-tests were performed on all data sets, with *** indicating a P value of < 0.001

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