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Table 2 Mean number of follicles after in vitro organotypic culture of cryopreserved whole ovaries in presence of pharmacological inhibitors

From: Pharmacological inhibition of the PI3K/PTEN/Akt and mTOR signalling pathways limits follicle activation induced by ovarian cryopreservation and in vitro culture





24 h


20.53 ± 1.906

21.22 ± 1.584b

26.81 ± 1.516a


16.61 ± 3.265

8.993 ± 2.302

7.72 ± 1.348

 Secondary or more

42.37 ± 2.56

48.65 ± 3.192b

38.73 ± 2.397

  1. Ovaries from Nu/Nu mice, 4-weeks old, n = 5 ovaries per group
  2. Results are expressed in percentage of primordial, primary and secondary or more mature follicles relative to the total number of follicles present in one ovarian slide. Mean ± SEM
  3. CT Control, LY LY294002, Ra Rapamycin
  4. adifferent from CT, bdifferent from Ra