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Table 4 Summary of the eligible studies on SII in predicting survival, treatment response, and diagnosis in patients with ovarian cancer

From: Independent predictive value of blood inflammatory composite markers in ovarian cancer: recent clinical evidence and perspective focusing on NLR and PLR

Author, Year

Conditions of participants

Significance of marker

Nie et al. [85], 2019;

Farolfi et al. [44], 2020;

Ramón-Rodríguez et al. [82], 2022;

OCP: platinum-sensitive recurrent treated with a second-line therapy;

EOCP: underwent primary surgery;

Ovarian peritoneal carcinomatosis: underwent CRS with HIPEC

Predicting survival: OS, PFS

Farolfi et al. [39], 2018

EOCP: in FIGO stage III-IV treated with first-line CT or CTB

Predicting treatment response: efficacy of CT

  1. SII Systemic inflammation index, OCP Ovarian cancer patients, EOCP Epithelial ovarian cancer patients, HIPEC Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy, CRS Cytoreductive surgery, OS, Overall survival, PFS Progression-free survival, CT Chemotherapy, CTB Chemotherapy with bevacizumab