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Fig. 3 | Journal of Ovarian Research

Fig. 3

From: The long non-coding RNA NEAT1 promotes the progression of human ovarian cancer through targeting miR-214-3p and regulating angiogenesis

Fig. 3

NEAT1 increased the expression of angiogenesis-related molecules in human ovarian cancer cells. A-D The protein levels of angiogenesis-related molecules in untreated SKOV-3 or A2780 cells (blank), stable NEAT1-expression cells (mlncRNANEAT1) or control vector-transfected cells (vector), NEAT1-knockdown cells with infection of shRNA-expressing lentivirus (shlncRNANEAT1) or the corresponding control cells with infection of scramble shRNA-expressing lentivirus (shScramble), and stable NEAT1-expression cells with further transfection of miR-214-3p mimics were determined by western blot assays. Representative bands images from SKOV-3 (A) and A2780 (B) cells are shown, and the relative protein levels of the indicated molecules in SKOV-3 (C) and A2780 (D) cells were summarized. E–F The mRNA levels of the indicated molecules in SKOV-3 (E) and A2780 (F) cells were quantitated by qPCR. n = 3 for each group; *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001, between the indicated groups

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