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Table 1 Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics of the blastocysts classified by ploidy status

From: The morphokinetic signature of human blastocysts with mosaicism and the clinical outcomes following transfer of embryos with low-level mosaicism


Euploid (N = 386)

Mosaic (N = 99)

Mosaic with aneuploid (N = 67)

Aneuploid (N = 371)

P value

PGT indication



 Patients undergoing PGT-A (n = 486)

238 (61.66%)

68 (68.69%)

30 (44.78%)

150 (40.43%)


 Patients undergoing PGT-SR (n = 437)

148 (38.34%)

31 (31.31%)

37 (55.22%)

221 (59.57%)


Female age (year)

 Patients undergoing PGT-A

33.00 (30.00, 36.00)a

33.00 (30.25, 36.75)a

34.00 (30.00, 38.00)ab

36.00 (31.00, 39.00)b


 Patients undergoing PGT-SR

30.00 (28.00, 32.00)

30.00 (27.00, 32.00)

30.00 (27.00, 32.00)

30.00 (27.50, 32.00)


Male age (year)

 Patients undergoing PGT-A

34.00 (31.00, 38.00)a

34.50 (31.25, 38.00)ab

35.50 (32.00, 39.50)ab

36.50 (32.75, 41.00)b


 Patients undergoing PGT-SR

31.00 (29.00, 34.00)

32.00 (29.00, 33.00)

31.00 (28.00, 34.50)

31.00 (29.00, 34.00)


BMI (kg/m2)

21.21 (19.53, 22.96)

21.48 (19.53, 22.94)

21.25 (19.71, 22.89)

22.03 (20.03, 23.31)


Basal estradiol (pg/ml)

40.50 (31.00, 55.00)ab

46.00 (33.00, 60.00)a

37.00 (29.00, 52.00)b

38.00 (30.00, 53.00)b


Basal progesterone (ng/ml)

0.50 (0.30, 0.80)

0.50 (0.40, 0.80)

0.55 (0.40, 0.80)

0.50 (0.30, 0.80)


Basal luteinizing hormone (mIU/ml)

4.50 (3.30, 6.40)

4.30 (3.40, 6.90)

4.30 (3.10, 5.40)

4.30 (3.40, 5.80)


Basal follicle-stimulating hormone (mIU/ml)

7.40 (6.20, 8.30)

7.40 (6.30, 8.10)

7.50 (6.30, 8.30)

7.30 (6.10, 8.30)


Antral follicle count

17.00 (13.00, 23.00)

16.00 (13.00, 24.00)

16.00 (13.00, 22.00)

19.00 (13.00, 23.00)


Ovarian stimulation protocol



 Short GnRH agonist protocol

213 (55.18%)

48 (48.48%)

36 (53.73%)

218 (58.76%)


 GnRH antagonist protocol

173 (44.82%)

51 (51.52%)

31 (46.27%)

153 (41.24%)


No. of controlled ovarian stimulation cycles

1.00 (1.00, 2.00)

1.00 (1.00, 2.00)

1.00 (1.00, 2.00)

1.00 (1.00, 2.00)


Gonadotropin dose (ampoules, 75 IU/ampoule)

26.50 (18.00, 33.00)a

24.00 (16.00, 32.00)a

30.00 (20.00, 40.00)ab

29.00 (19.00, 40.00)b


During of stimulation days

10.00 (9.00, 11.00)ab

9.00 (8.00, 10.00)a

10.00 (9.00, 12.00)b

10.00 (9.00, 11.00)b


  1. Data are presented as Median (interquartile range) for continuous variable or Number (%) for categorical variable
  2. P values are calculated using Kruskal–Wallis tests and Bonferroni post hoc for continuous variable and χ2 tests for categorical variable
  3. Bolded P values reached statistical significance
  4. Median with common superscripts across columns are not significantly different
  5. PGT-A preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy, PGT-SR preimplantation genetic testing for structural rearrangements