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Table 6 Linear correlation (Rho-Spearman) between TVUS findings and cardiovascular risck factors in PCOS group.

From: Predictive value of ovarian stroma measurement for cardiovascular risk in polycyctic ovary syndrome: a case control study


OV (cm3)

OA (cm2)

SV (cm3)

SA (cm2)

S/A ratio

PAI-1 (ng/ml)

P = 0.29

P = 0.21

P = 0.000 a

P = 0.000 a

P = 0.000 a

F von Willebrand (%)

P = 0.15

P = 0.31

P = 0.000 a

P = 0.000 a

P = 0.000 a


P = 0.45

P = 0.21

P = 0.001 a

P = 0.000 a

P = 0.08


P = 0.000 a

P = 0.000 a

P = 0.007

P = 0.000 a

P = 0.000 a

  1. a P < 0.001 (Correaltion and regression linear) PCOS vs control group