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Table 1 Patient’s inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: Evaluation of safety, feasibility and efficacy of intra-ovarian transplantation of autologous adipose derived mesenchymal stromal cells in idiopathic premature ovarian failure patients: non-randomized clinical trial, phase I, first in human

Inclusion criteria

 - 20–39 years of age

 - FSH ≥ 25

 - Normal karyotype

 - Not fragile X mental retardation 1 (FMR1) mutations

Exclusion criteria

 - Thyroid disorders

 - Congenital abnormalities of the reproductive tract

 - Liposuction contraindications

 - Autoimmune disorders

 - Previous or any familial histories of ovarian tumors

 - Past history of cancer, chemotherapy, radiotherapy

 - Positive HIV, hepatitis C and B

 - Severe endometriosis