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Table 4 Clinical trials and participation

From: Knowledge and attitudes towards clinical trials among women with ovarian cancer: results of the ACTO study


No. (%)

Select the three answers you consider most important before taking part in a clinical trial

 Full information on the advantages and disadvantages

296 (30.2)

 Physicians or health professionals for reference

234 (23.8)

 Confidence that the results will be useful for future patients

193 (19.7)

 A clear description of how it will be conducted and what participation implies (visits, extra costs, etc.)

190 (19.4)

 Information material to consult independently

39 (3.9)

 Insurance coverage

14 (1.4)

 Who finances the study (non-profit organizations or associations, pharmaceutical companies, private companies, etc.)

15 (1.5)

For greater security in the use of personal data collected during a clinical trial, you need to know … (select 2 answers)

 For what purpose the data is collected

221 (34.9)

 By whom, where, and for how long it will be stored

134 (21.2)

 Who has access to the data

94 (14.8)

 How participants' privacy will be ensured

88 (13.9)

 Consent will be required to use the data in other studies

56 (8.8)

 How to modify or withdraw consent to use of the data at any time

40 (6.3)