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Table 2 Summary of the reviewed markers (alphabetical order) and their prognostic significance

From: Immunohistochemical markers of prognosis in adult granulosa cell tumors of the ovary – a review


Number of references reviewed in article



Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH)

n = 1

Prognostic significance unclear

- Correlation of AMH expression with larger tumor size, but not with prognostic data


n = 3

Prognostic significance

- High IHC expression associated with increased recurrence and decreased DFI

E-cadherin, β-Catenin

n = 3

Prognostic significance unclear

- conflicting data on expression and prognostic validity


n = 4

No prognostic significance

- Studies with conflicting results


n = 3

Prognostic significance

- FOXL2 expression is associated with decreased DFS and OS in JGCT

- FOXL2 mutation and FOXL2 mRNA are associated with reduced DFS in AGCT


n = 3

Prognostic significance

- High expression of GATA-4 is associated with reduced DFS, higher tumor stage and recurrence


n = 8

Prognostic significance unclear

- conflicting data on IHC expression of HER2


n = 5

No prognostic significance

- Studies with significant and insignificant results


n = 6

Prognostic significance unclear

- Studies with significant and insignificant results

- variations, e.g. inter-observer variation not considered in most studies

Mitotic rate

n = 15

Prognostic significance unclear

- Studies with significant and insignificant results

- different cut-off values

- different microscopes and field diameters

- currently counted in mm2


n = 10

Prognostic significance unclear

- conflicting results of p53 IHC expression

- interpretation problems regarding p53 IHC as mutation-positive


n = 1

Prognostic significance

- High expression of SMAD3 is associated with increased recurrence and shorter DFI

  1. IHC immunohistochemistry, DFI disease free interval, DFS disease free survival, OS overall survival, AGCT adult granulosa cell tumor, JGCT juvenile granulosa cell tumor