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Table 5 Published protocols about resveratrol in IVF setting

From: The impact of resveratrol on the outcome of the in vitro fertilization: an exploratory randomized placebo-controlled trial




Ochiai et al., 2019 [38]

Cross-sectional retrospective study comparing the outcomes of embryo transfer cycles in women receiving resveratrol supplementation (200 mg/day) continuously with a control group

Resveratrol supplementation during embryo transfer cycles appears to be detrimental for pregnancy outcomes

Bahramrezaie et al., 2019


Randomized controlled trial comparing the IVF outcomes in PCOS women receiving resveratrol supplementation (800 mg/day) continuously for 40 days before the initiation of ovarian stimulation with a control group

The number of mature oocytes, cleavage rate, fertilization rate, and fertility rate were not significantly different between the two groups, but resveratrol supplementation is associated high-quality oocyte rate and high quality embryo rate

Gerli et al., 2021 [40]

Randomized controlled trial comparing the IVF outcomes in women receiving resveratrol supplementation (300 mg/day) continuously for 3 months before the initiation of ovarian stimulation with a control group

Resveratrol supplementation is associated with significantly higher numbers of oocytes and MII oocytes, higher fertilization rates, and higher numbers of embryos and blastocytes per patient. No significant differences in biochemical or clinical pregnancy, live birth, and miscarriage rates are revealed